The two NEW YEAR CONCERTS of the Salonorchester Baden-Baden
will take place in the Strasbourg Münsterhof Hall 11.01.2020

Dear Friends,
The Salonorchester Baden-Baden* would like to invite you to an enchanting
musical journey, easing you into the new year with a smile !
This exceptonal nroup (featuring our own Alexander Somov, principal cellist
of the OPS) will perform within the beautful interior and superb acoustcs of
the Münsterhof Hall**– Strasbourg, on Saturday 11, 2020 !
By popular demand, two concerts are scheduled that day : At 11am and at 18
pm !
The Salonorchester Baden-Baden – which some of you will remember from their
sold out New Year concerts in 2019 and 2018 – proposes a delighful selecton of
popular Viennese, Balkan, Classical and firm favourites.
From Tchaikovsky through Brahms and Johann Strauss, to the spice of Dinicu and the
classic film scores of Bötcher, it is a guaranteed treat for the senses !
As always, you will be able to purchase our special-editon CD and have it signed by
all members of the group, comprised of celebrated internatonal soloists and leaders
of the Strasbourg Philharmonic, SWR Stutgart and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestras…
Join us on the journey !
Both events organized by the associaton STOP ART EVENTS***
Reservations and information : / 06 40 38 16 16
Prices : 20 € at the door / 18 € pre-reservaton / 8 € under 26 and job-seekers
* htps://
** Münsterhof, 9 rue des Juifs, Strasbourg
*** STOP : “L’associaton a pour objectf de Solliciter et Toucher tous les publics, d’Organiser des
événements culturels et artsttues et de Promouvoir toutes les formes d’art.”
STOP ART EVENTS – Association régie par les articles 21 à 79-IV du code civil local – Inscrite au Tribunal d’instance de Strasbourg – Volume 96, Folio 278 – Identifant SIRET : 844 805 333 000 11