Language Conversation Groups

The ESC offers four different language conversation groups. A certain command of the language is necessary. But please note these are not lessons but conversation activities.

English Conversation group

Fridays from 2.30 – 4.00 pm

The English Conversation group organises topic meetings both at members home and on Zoom on alternate Friday afternoons.

For further information, please contact Nigel at


German Conversation group

Mondays at 2 p.m.

The German conversation group is for those members who have some degree of fluency in German.  The group meets in Kehl at Cafe Pierod at 2-3 week intervals.  For further information, please contact Bronwyn at

French Conversation group

Every 2nd week – Wednesdays at 2.30  p.m.

The French conversation group gathers every second week for friendly meetings at a Patisserie, 36-38 boulevard de la Marne in Strasbourg.  The meetings give you an opportunity to correct grammar mistakes or explore vocabulary in the presence of at least one native French speaker. If you are interested, please  contact Colette Jandrock at

Spanish Conversation group

First Saturday of each month

The Spanish Conversation group is for Spanish speakers, both native and non-native, who would like to converse with fellow members in a casual way. The group gathers once in a month and shares a drink in a member’s home or in a bar. If you are interested, please contact Maria at


Interested in joining one of the groups?