The ESC started in the mid 1970’s here in Strasbourg, with regular coffee mornings and other social events centred on the US Consulate, which was not then the “fortress” it is today. The first members were often ex-pat wives seeking friendship and companionship in what can be a very stressful endeavour – coming to live in a foreign country. French friends were then introduced to the circle and, from these origins, the ESC has grown.
The ESC provides more than just socialising. For some it can be a lifeline, providing contact with other English speakers and potential friends.
But not just for the English! In fact, there are more French members than English. Only when you add the other nationality mother tongue speakers do you get to the point where our membership comprises around 40% British, 40% French.
And the other 20%? – they’re from all over the world.
For the non-native English speakers, it’s an opportunity to practice and maintain your English. The added benefit for the mother tongue English speakers is to meet and make friends and to socialise with other nationalities, hopefully learning something of their culture.
Why not come and join us? To download an application form, please click the following link: (Be a New Member)
Why we are here
We aim to organize events which cater to our wide range of members and facilitate integration into Alsace whilst maintaining a connection with our home countries.
For our native speakers it is an opportunity to socialise whilst getting to know the region better and our non native speakers can maintain and improve their English.
What we do
- We hold monthly coffee mornings which are a relaxed and sociable way to meet new, or catch up with old friends.
- We organise social events every month such as pub quizzes, conversation groups and cultural trips – and parties!
- We produce a monthly newsletter which contains all kinds of useful information about the ESC, our activities as well as local events.
- We also plan events that the whole family can enjoy such as the annual barbecue and Christmas party.