About the ESC


How did it all start?

The ESC started in the mid 1970’s in Strasbourg, with regular coffee mornings and other social events centred on the US Consulate. The first members were often expat wives seeking friendship and companionship in what can be a very stressful endeavour – coming to live in a foreign country. French friends were then introduced to the circle and, from these origins, the ESC has grown.

The ESC provides more than just socialising.

For some it can be a lifeline, providing contact with other English speakers and potential friends.


Our Team

Jonathan Crow

Jonathan Crow

President/Digital Strategist

Catherine Manini

Catherine Manini

Secretary/Newsletter Editor

Mike Wraith

Mike Wraith

Treasurer/Membership Secretary

Véronique Heller-Clauss

Véronique Heller-Clauss

Communications/Strategy Coordinator

Pauline Kaspar

Pauline Kaspar

Events Organiser

Pauline Taggart-Bertram

Pauline Taggart-Bertram

Events Coordinator

Andie Swan

Andie Swan

Content Coordinator